Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Match of the Week (Week 1)


Kali ni gua nk bwt skewt kelainan kt blog gua. Gua nk letak highlights match bola. Bukan semua match. Tp match yg gua rasa taraf "of the Week". That means yg terbaik utk setiap mggu perlawanan. Tp gua just amik from EPL shj.

Utk 1st week ni, "Match of the Week" utk mggu pertama gua rasa match between Tottenham vs City.

Berikut adlh keputusan mggu pertama perlawanan EPL

tottenham vs MC 0-0 (*)
villa vs westham 3-0
blackburn vs everton 1-0
bolton vs fulham 0-0
sunderland vs birmingham 2-2

wigan vs blackpool 0-4
wolve vs stoke 2-1
chelsea vs westbrom 6-0
liverpool vs arsenal 1-1 (*)
MU vs newcastle 3-0

(ref: EPL)

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